Servers in MyELITS must always have at least one storage device attached to them, this means that you cannot detach the boot volume from a server and extend it like you would do with a normal volume. Trying to detach a boot volume from an server will result in an error. But it is possible to extend the size of a boot volume without detaching it, for when you need more storage for the / partition on Linux, or the C: device on Windows, to do this you will need to use the Openstack command line tolls called nova and cinder.
To complete this task, perform the following steps.
- Shut off your server, in the web interface you can do this under Infrastructure > Servers > List Servers. Find the server and select "Shut Off Server" in the Actions drop-down menu.
- List your servers with the nova command.
- List your volumes with the cinder command.
Change the volume status from in-use to available.
- Extend the size of the volume, the new size is given in Gigabytes.
- Change the volume status back to in-use.
- Start the server again and new the storage will be available.
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